Targeting Customers On Google Ads

Targeting Customers On Google Ads

Targeting Customers At The Right Place And Time

Reaching customers, specifically the correct customers, is the goal of any business. With PPC Guru, we help leverage our expert knowledge along with your business and industry knowledge to help make that happen.

Understanding the concept of targeting is the first step toward reaching customers. Getting a broad overview first will lead you into a deeper dive of discovering the more nuanced aspects of the process, which will be covered in future posts.

The main goal of this blog is to provide you with an understanding of the targeting process to help you make the right decisions that can help focus your business goals, and leave you with a better understanding of this area of the digital marketing world.

Below, we’ll explain what targeting is and the various components that go into effective targeting.


Search Network & Display Network on Google Ads:

Search Network: Used to present text ads to customers with high-potential the moment they are searching Google. This is done through Keywords that are related to the products/services you are marketing.
Display Network: Used to present ads with rich media content; such as images, videos, apps. This is accomplished by matching ads to websites, mobile apps, or YouTube content that are related to the products or services you wish to market. By matching your ads to content related to your business and customer interests, you will be able to leverage your ad to have the best chance of being viewed by the customers you want to reach via Google and other third party websites and apps.


Breaking Down Google Ads

Who: It is important to identify your target customer. This can be done by utilizing aspects such as demographics, language, and topics being searched which can give you insight into who your target audience is. For people that have already viewed your site but have not purchased there is a method known as remarketing which targets these people specifically with incentives to push them to make a purchase.
Audience: There are several ways in which you can target a specific type of audience. For now, all you need to know is that you are able to set up parameters that target customers based on their interactions with your website, as well as their general online behavior patterns.
Demographics: Personal identifiers such as: age, household income, gender etc. which can be useful at times to properly manage your budget and focus on the groups of people who are most interested in what you are offering.
Remarketing: This concept revolves around the idea of re-engaging past visitors of your website. It allows you to show relevant ads to past visitors as they browse the display network. You can even tailor ads to fit their specific interactions with your website in order to enhance the likelihood of pushing them to convert.
What: The ‘what’ portion factors in keywords being searched by potential customers on Google and partnering websites. This allows you to hone in on what placement you’d like your ads to show.
Keywords: Words or phrases that are relevant to your content (product or service) and what your target customer is searching. When these match, your ads will appear when customers search those terms.Creating highly relevant keyword lists increases the likelihood of your ads being shown to the most interested customer.
Topic: As a business owner, one of your many goals is to reach as many people as possible that you feel would be interested in what you’re offering. Topic targeting allows you to extend your reach through a broad range of pages on the Display Network. It can determine central themes of each webpage and target one Ad to multiple pages about certain topics at one time.
Where: This focuses on where the customer is located physically as well as on the Internet, along with the types of devices being used (laptop, tablet, phone, etc.) With this information on hand it is possible to place ads on pages that match what they are searching for and where they are searching from.
Location & Language: You are able to specify what country, region and city you are targeting. Additionally, you are able to set parameters that focus on specific languages as well if desired. You are able to get specific with this aspect; focusing on Google domain, search terms, computer IP address, language preference within Google, and languages of the websites they visit.
Devices: You can target customers based on the type of device they are using, their specific geographic location, and the time of day they are browsing.
Placement: You can target sites your customers visit as well as contextual targeting.

Why Targeting for Google Ads Matters

When you understand what goes into the process of targeting, you are better able to manage your goals and work within your marketing budget. Using the tools in the Google AdWords campaign allows you to find the right people, in the right place, at the right time.

Here at PPC Guru, we offer no frills management and optimization of your marketing campaign. We are Google AdWords certified experts who make a point to be on the same page with our clients and their goals. We will work with you and on your behalf and utilize your specific industry knowledge along with our expertise in the field so that you can focus more on providing your clients with quality products and services as well as a great user experience with your company. Give us a call today and find out how we can enhance your business.

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